Gospel and Culture
One of our Appointees gave a talk in a church about his plan to go to Thailand as a missionary the other week. One in the audience was not happy: “You are destroying people’s culture when you go as a missionary! They have their own ways and Westerners should not interfere with their way of life!” This is a criticism that we need to have an answer for.It is interesting to think about how the Bible sees culture. Some people like to think that tribal cultures are better because the people live in innocence. Others think that our Western culture is built on Judeo-Christian values and is therefore superior. When I see how Jesus was appalled at the way that Jewish leaders had twisted God’s law for their own selfish purposes it makes me think differently. Children were able to ignore helping their parents, and religion had become an instrument for selfish gain rather than humble obedience to God’s rule (Matthew 15:1-9). Even among God’s own people there were some serious issues of justice and inequality. It is clear that every culture has aspects that do not honour God.
All cultures have been twisted by the sin and selfishness of man. All cultures need the influence of godly and loving followers of Jesus to show how there is a new way of life that transcends the laws of man.
Last month I was travelling in Thailand with three bible college lecturers. We sat down for a conversation with a Bangkok pastor and his wife that we have known for many years. She talked about the influence of a godly American missionary who had taught her to speak truthfully to her children, rather than threaten them as Thai parents are prone to do. It made us realise that foreign missionaries are very much appreciated and can be good models for local people who want to follow Jesus. Rather than destroying culture and traditions, missionaries can be salt and light in communicating the love of Jesus. Followers of Jesus will transform culture and show us a glimpse of what heaven will be like. Grace, mercy and truth are qualities that transcend culture and can speak more powerfully than any language.
I really agree that culture exchange is beneficial as long as we are sharing in the respectful way! God's love that surrounds us will guard us from quarreling.