Friday, March 13, 2020

BAM's, MBs and CANs

Did you know that more than half of the 2.5 billion people in East Asia live in a CAN? I'm not talking about tin cans or corrugated iron sheds, but the CAN we are talking about means "Creative Access Nation". Most CANS have large populations with little access to the Good News of Jesus. What do you need to get into a CAN? You need a CAN opener of course!
The kinds of CAN openers available to us are professional jobs in companies or government institutions, or teaching in universities. We call these kinds of placements "Marketplace Ministries" where the worker has a heart to share the Good News of Jesus in their workplace as much as they can. Another kind of CAN opener is called "Missional Business" (MB) or "Business as Mission" (BAM) where the worker sets up their own small business in a local community and uses it to share the Good News of Jesus. We already have many such businesses operating around East Asia.

This year we are promoting Missional Business as a way of entering into new areas with the Good News. We are looking for people who have an entrepreneurial spirit, who are willing to learn the language and culture of a people group in East Asia and who have a passion to share the Good News across cultures.