Friday, May 11, 2012

Committed to Jesus

Ann was the first Thai to accept Jesus when we started English classes for Thai people over 4 years ago. She was baptised just before she returned to Thailand for a time. A couple of months ago she came back to Sydney and is going as strong as ever. I heard yesterday that she would catch a bus 60km to church every Sunday from her home village in rural Thailand. That's commitment!  

City Thai Christian Fellowship (Sydney)
The City Thai Christian Fellowship on Monday evenings is attracting more people. It has been great to be joined by a number of Aussie people who have a heart for mission in general and Thai people in particular. These last few weeks we have been encouraging our new Thai believers to be spending time alone with God through prayer and reading His Word.  

Trip to Western China with National Council
Our National Council acts as our Board of Directors. Next week 13-23rd May I will be travelling with three of them to Western China where we will have the opportunity to see the work of our company there. We will be there for 10 days and I am looking forward to spending some quality time with Jim, Stewart and Ken as we travel together.

For more OMF news, please see my OMF Australia Executive Director's newsletter at:
We especially would like to invite you to our National Conference this year at Lane Cove from August 31-September 2. You will find the flyer at: 
If you are interested in helping with childcare for the conference there is information about that at:

Family News
Debbie and I are adjusting to having three teens in the house. Julie is only 12, but now that she is in year 7 she has grown up all of a sudden. Friends are suddenly more important and there is more driving to do getting the kids to parties, movies and friends houses. Alex is enjoying Rugby Union this year- he is usually in a good mood after a game or a practice session!  Ben is working hard at Year 12, and thinking of working next year before launching into Uni.
Please pray:
• Thanking God for Ann’s faith and the encouragement it is to see her again.
• For our new Thai believers, that they will desire to spend time alone with God each day.
• For the China trip 13-23rd May as we interact with people working alongside many different ethnic groups and faiths.
• For Debbie and the family as they cope with everyday life while Johan is jaunting around Asia.